About Cameo

For Body and Skin

With a focus on your specific needs to achieve total body wellness, Cameo Skin and Body Wellness is uniquely designed to reinvigorate your senses, restore peace of mind and deliver scientifically advanced, long-lasting skincare benefits. At Cameo Skin and Body Wellness, we believe everyone should be able to take advantage of the wonderful therapeutic and stress relieving benefits of cosmetic and massage services. We are committed to ensuring that every time you visit, you enjoy a caring and healing experience provided by a professional medical provider.



As the founder and owner of Cameo, Kim has over 30 years of experience in the medical field, while focusing primarily on cosmetic nursing and management for the past decade. She completed training for Botox and injectable fillers in 2012 at the Esthetic Institute in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  She has been trained by Allergan’s and Galderma’s certified cosmetic Injectors. She takes pride in individualizing specific treatment options to achieve client satisfaction and maximized results.



Megan has been a nurse for 8 years and joined Cameo in 2021 as an aesthetic nurse injector. Megan has been trained by Allergan’s and Galderma’s certified cosmetic injectors.


Our Office:


Within Crooked Oak Village

600 Eden Road Bldg. E | Lancaster | PA 17601