
Exfoliate and Enhance

Dermaplaning is also referred to as skin resurfacing or deep exfoliation that triggers cell regeneration. During this procedure a very fine surgical grade blade is used to exfoliate the top layer of your skin and remove the hair (peach fuzz) and accumulation of dead skin cells. This treatment can be added to most appointments and is ideal for anti-aging, blemish treatments, and creating a bright complexion with a youthful glow.

Who Would Benefit From Dermaplaning?

Do you suffer from embarrassing acne scars? Does the buildup of dead skin cells highlight and make your fine lines appear more pronounced? Do you want a natural, chemical free anti-aging treatment?

What Does it Feel Like?

This 20 minute procedure will feel similar to the sensation of shaving your legs. After cleansing and drying your skin, our certified medical provider will work with small sections of your skin using short, quick strokes.

How Often Should I Be Treated?

Dermaplaning removes about 21 days worth of buildup and dead skin cells and dirt on your face. It’s recommended to let your skin complete it’s 21 day regeneration cycle before coming back. If you’d like to have it done more frequently, you can come back every two weeks.

Our Office:


Within Crooked Oak Village

600 Eden Road Bldg. E | Lancaster | PA 17601